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Homework & Independent Study Contracts


The Board believes homework is the responsibility of the student. It is the student’s job to develop regular study habits and to do most assignments independently. The Board encourages all teachers to view the parent/guardian as a contributing resource and to structure homework assignments to involve the parent/guardian without diminishing the student’s sense of responsibility. When assigning homework that involves interaction with parent/guardians, teachers should include instructions that show how parent/guardians can best help their children. To be effective, homework assignments should not place an undue burden on students and families. Homework should reinforce classroom learning objectives and be related to individual student needs and abilities. Homework can involve a variety of activities related to the established curriculum and does not need to be exclusively “paper and pencil.” This can also include advance preparation for upcoming lessons.  (BP 6154 a)


Students shall be given the opportunity to make up school work missed because of an excused absence or suspension and shall receive full credit if the work is turned in according to the school’s established make-up schedule. (BP 6154a)


If it is necessary for parents to keep their children out of school for up to 14 days (minimum of 3 days) to travel or attend some special event, the District requests that an independent study agreement is set up between the child and the teacher.
The agreement provides children with lessons and activities to complete while away from school and helps to ensure that the students do not fall behind in their studies. The study agreement is given to the child and should be returned to the classroom teacher upon completion. Parents should notify the office at least ten school days prior to the first day of a child’s unavoidable absence from school for reasons other than illnesses. To request an independent study agreement please contact:
Tesoro High School
Secretary, Guidance Department
(949) 234-5310 x15005
(949) 635-9346 Fax