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24-Hour Absence Line: (949) 234-5361

Attendance Office: (949) 234-5348

Attendance Staff

Charity Robertson - Attendance Clerk
Kristina Khabovets - School Clerk II  

Early Out Policy:


“How does a student get an OFF CAMPUS PASS?”

Please follow one of the procedures below with the Attendance Office...

  • Email from parent/guardian to an Attendance Office clerk
  • Written note from parent/guardian. Please include the date, student name, reason for early out, the time student needs to leave campus and parent signature.
  • Phone call from parent – SAME DAY CALL OUTS ARE NOT ACCEPTED…we must receive the request by phone at least 24 hours in advance.
  • In person – parent/guardian can sign their student out at the Attendance Office.
    Students may only pick up “OFF CAMPUS PASSES” during non-class time: BEFORE SCHOOL, AT BREAK, AND DURING LUNCH.
  • If a student becomes ill during class time and wishes to go home, the student should ask the teacher for a pass to the Nurse’s Office. Arrangements to go home will be coordinated through the nurse only.

Excused Absences:

  • Illness/injury
  • Medical or dental appointments (requires BOTH a note/documentation of appointment from Doctor’s Office AND a parent verification by phone, email, or in-person)
  • Funerals
  • Religious holidays
  • Court appearances (requires court document to verify)
  • College visits (requires BOTH a note/documentation of visit AND a parent verification by phone, email, or in-person)

Unexcused Absences:

  • Personal reasons, family emergencies, DMV appointments, vacation, inclement weather, transportation issues, and oversleeping will be considered (U) UNEXCUSED. This code is used when parents notify us that the absence was for any of the reasons stated above. These do not create disciplinary consequences, although teacher’s have the right to not accept make-up work for the time missed.

Truancies/ Unverified:

  • (H) UNVERIFIED absences are those where parents have not contacted us.
  • Any (H) UNVERIFIED absence that is not cleared with the Attendance Office within 72- hours becomes a truancy, which leads to disciplinary action such as detention or Saturday School.
  • Teacher’s will typically not accept make-up work for an (H) UNVERIFIED absence/truancy.

SARB – School Attendance Review Board:

  • When a student reaches either 3 days of (U) UNEXCUSED or (H) UNVERIFIED absences or 9 Period (U) UNEXCUSED or (H) UNVERIFIED absences, an automated SARB letter #1 will be sent home from the District Office. This is just a notification to inform parents of the student’s unexcused absences.
  • If a student has multiple, (H) UNVERIFIED absences/truancies they will receive SARB letter #2/3. They will be referred to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB) for disciplinary action. Review the SARB section on the Safety and Student Services website @


  • Students who arrive less than 30 minutes late are considered tardy and should go straight to class. The only exception to this would be if a student had a doctor’s appointment. They will need to submit a doctor’s note to the Attendance Office, as well as a note or phone call from parent/guardian, so they may be excused for the tardy.
  • Students that arrive more than 30 minutes late are considered absent (truant), and must sign in at the Attendance Office. Parent can either provide a note or call the Attendance Line to verify the absence, similar to a whole day absence.

** Detentions will be issued for excessive tardies and truancies. **

18-Year Olds:

  • In the opinion of the California State Department of Education, Child Welfare and Attendance Division, 18-year olds have the right to excuse their own absences from school. To make you aware of this new responsibility that your student is accessing, we will provide the parent/guardian a one time courtesy text message and email, notifying you the first time your student has signed themselves out of school.
  • 18-year old students who give themselves permission to leave school early will be assigned an (U) UNEXCUSED absence, unless they provide a doctor’s note. (U) UNEXCUSED absences can affect the student’s ability to get credit for missed work.

Attendance Correction Form:

Please have your student pick up a white “Attendance Correction Form” at the Attendance Office, if they are marked absent in error. The student needs to complete the form, obtain the teacher’s signature, and return the completed form to the Attendance Office in order for a correction to be made.