- Academics
Parent Volunteers / Donations
Parent help is needed for the following:
Group sales Volunteers are needed to find groups interested in attending plays, to include but not be limited to, area schools, senior centers, etc.
Publicity. Make sure that play posters go up around the community and that announcements are placed in area newspapers.
Festivals. Provide transportation to and chaperone during festivals, to include CETA, the Long Beach Festival, FJC and any other festivals scheduled during the year. Drivers will be required to be fingerprinted and complete necessary volunteer paperwork through the district.
Tech week meals. Provide a meal for cast and crew of fall play and spring musical during tech week. A choice of menus will be provided, and the volunteer parents are asked to deliver the food, serve the meal and help clean up. A parent who has done this before will be present at each meal to assist. Parents may choose to donate cost of meal or can be reimbursed for most if not all expenses.
Costumes. Volunteer parents will assist the Drama Club Costume Crew with various projects involving the costumes.
Concessions (Food). Volunteer to supervise sales of snacks for ComedySportz matches, plays and special events.
Concessions (Raffles/Merchandise). Solicit donations for raffle baskets, create the raffle baskets and volunteer to supervise sales during play runs and special events.
Special fund-raising events. Find and help with smaller fund-raising events, such as Drive One 4 Ur School, OC Register subscriptions, etc.
Taste 4 Tesoro. Help with planning of this event, including signing up restaurants, publicity, selling tickets before and during the event, setting up and cleaning up. We will be working in conjunction with the Music Boosters.
Strike/Build Crew. Parent volunteers will help as needed with set construction and strike for fall play and spring musical.
Paper. Paper supplies are always low. If you can donate a ream or two or even a case of paper, it would be most appreciative. Just send it in with your student or drop it off in the green room.
Highlighters: We never have enough highlighters.
Water. The drama kids consume vast amounts of water, particularly when preparing for a play. If you can donate a 5-gallon bottle of water, please email Kate Aneson. If you take an empty bottle to Lowes, you receive a 50% discount off a filled bottle (approximately $7). Let Kate know you are interested in donating, and she will make sure you have either an empty bottle or a coupon for 50% off.
Paint. If you have any water-based paint that you don't have a use for, we can always use it for sets and scenery.
Monetary donations are always appreciated. Donations can be made through Paypal (thstheatrearts@gmail.com) or by check made payable to THS Theatre Arts boosters. Please also visit our web site at Tesoro Theatre Arts.