- Academics
Drama Classes
Beginning Drama
Beginning Drama 1A and 1B meet the fine arts requirement for graduation. A full year of Beginning Drama meets the CSU and UC requirements for admission. The class introduces the student to beginning acting techniques and theatre appreciation. The course is organized into five strands: Artistic Perception, using the language and skills of theatre, Creative Expression, creating theatre to communicate meaning and intent, Historical and Cultural Content, examining the key figures and historical periods of theatre and the role theatre plays culturally in the world, Aesthetic Valuing, analyzing theatre for meaning and intent as well as its ability to communicate effectively, and Connections, Relationships and Applications, developing lifelong skills such as creative problem-solving and planning for college and careers in the theatre, the arts, the communications and entertainment fields. The class includes: Team work, relaxation, concentration, movement, voice, play analysis, acting, improvisation, character analysis, performance, scene work, monologues, audition/interview skills, theatre vocabulary, theatre history and play reports. The curriculum is aligned with the California Visual and Performing Arts Standards.
Advanced Drama
Advanced Drama is a theatre class for those students who have enjoyed and passed Drama 1A and 1B with a “B” or better. A full year of Advanced Drama meets the CSU and UC requirements for admission. It is designed to build upon past theatre experiences and enhance skills. The class is aligned with the California State Standards, including the five strands listed above in the beginning class description. The class will cover ensemble work/team work, movement, voice, scene and play analysis, scene work including an emphasis on objectives, obstacles, and acting techniques, improvisational skills, character analysis and performance, monologues, audition skills, dramaturgy, career paths and theatre history with an emphasis on performing the classics. During the first semester, students in Advanced Drama will produce and perform the Children’s Theatre Production.
Actors’ Repertory
Actors’ Repertory is a theatre class for those students who have passed Advanced Drama and an audition/interview. A full year of Actors’ Repertory meets the CSU and UC requirements for admission. The class is aligned with the California State Standards, including the five strands listed above in the beginning class description. It is designed to build upon past theatre experiences and prepare students for college and professional work. The class will cover ensemble work, scene and play analysis, differing acting techniques, improvisational skills, character analysis and performance, audition skills, career paths and theatre history with an emphasis on theatre production and directing. At the end of the year, Actors’ Repertory produces, Three days in Three days. These are held in the theatre, sometimes with the audience right on the stage with the actors, and everyone is welcome to attend.
Stagecraft class earns students elective credit towards graduation. Stagecraft is a theatre class that covers theatre analysis and implementation of the production values, including shop and theatre safety, stagecraft, scenery construction techniques, set design, basic drafting, reading scale, lighting design, basic electricity, lighting instruments and board programming, graphic design, costume, makeup and hair design, costume construction and basic sewing techniques, stage makeup, sound design, scenic painting, stage management, theatre management, theatre vocabulary, dramaturgy and aesthetic valuing.