- Academics
TV Broadcast Journalism, TNN
TV Broadcast Journalism 1A, 1B (P)
Students write and produce a news show, "TNN", that airs on Wednesdays and Fridays at the beginning of 3rd period. It is produced"LIVE" to tape. Students are responsible for all aspects of the show from Directing, producing, talent, and publishing. There is a link to the current broadcast on the Tesoro High School Home page.
Students write and produce a news show, "TNN", that airs on Wednesdays and Fridays at the beginning of 3rd period. It is produced"LIVE" to tape. Students are responsible for all aspects of the show from Directing, producing, talent, and publishing. There is a link to the current broadcast on the Tesoro High School Home page.
This class is articulated with Saddleback College and a CTE course. Students who earn an A or B in this course can get 3 units of college credit from Saddleback College and receive a grade bump on their Tesoro transcript.
Students will learn the basic skills of the video camera and video editing software while applying the fundamentals of design, composition and thematic organization. Students will learn the specialized vocabulary of the film and television industry and use it to express themselves clearly and concisely in their critiques of television and film. Students will develop ideas individually and within a group, compose an outline/ proposal, write a video production based on their script. Students will also write and produce lives television shows in a variety of formats. THIS COURSE MEETS THE UC/CSU "VPA" REQUIREMENT.
John Hallam | VAPA Department Chair |